curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Key: <api-key>'

The v2/usage REST API is designed to handle both setting a prorated gauge and incrementing a final value counter for a specific customer in Salesbricks.

To utilize this endpoint, ensure that you are using the v2/usage API endpoint:

Request: POST /v2/usage


transaction_idStringYesThe unique identifier for this usage entry transaction.
subscription_idUUIDYesThe ID of the Salesbricks subscription associated with the customer.
brick_idUUIDYesThe ID of the associated Usage Brick.
valueIntegerYesRequired. This is the value to set for the Counter or Gauge (e.g., 1).
timeDateTimeYesThe timestamp indicating when the operation occurs in ISO 8601 format.
propertiesDictNoAdditional properties as a JSON dictionary object (optional).


  • 201 Created - if the usage entry is successfully submitted.
  • 400 Bad Request - if validation fails or required fields are missing.
  "message": "Usage entry submitted successfully."

Example: Setting a Prorated Gauge

POST /v2/usage
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>

  "transaction_id": "12345",
  "subscription_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "brick_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "value": 121,
  "time": "2024-09-16T10:15:30Z"

Example: Incrementing a Final Value Counter

POST /v2/usage
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>

  "transaction_id": "54321",
  "subscription_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "brick_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "value": 1,
  "time": "2024-09-16T10:15:30Z",
  "properties": {
    "source_worker": "8168cf7f-65e0-4f9a-aeb4-3e013ff71f89",
    "region": "us-east-1"

DELETE /v2/usage - Deleting a Usage Entry

To delete a usage entry, provide the transaction_id in the request body.


transaction_idStringYesThe unique identifier for the usage entry.


  • 200 OK - if the usage entry is successfully deleted.
  • 404 Not Found - if the usage entry does not exist.
  "message": "Usage entry deleted successfully."

PATCH /v2/usage - Updating a Usage Entry

To update a usage entry, provide the transaction_id and the fields to be updated.


transaction_idStringYesThe unique identifier for the usage entry.
valueIntegerYesUpdate the usage value.
propertiesDictOptionalUpdate the properties dictionary (if applicable).


  • 200 OK - if the usage entry is successfully updated.
  • 400 Bad Request - if validation fails or required fields are missing.
  • 404 Not Found - if the usage entry does not exist.
  "message": "Usage entry updated successfully."