In-depth look at webhook payload schemas
Stage of the Order
Salesbricks ID of the Order
Datetime documents were generated at
Datetime order was created
Datetime order was last updated
Datetime order starts at
Entity which made this order
ID of the CRM Account / Company which has been linked to this order
ID of the CRM Opportunity / Deal which has been linked to this order
Buyer user’s first name
Buyer user’s last name
Buyer user’s email
Buyer user’s Company
Company name
Company address
Street address (e.g. 123 Easy Street)
Additional address details (e.g. Suite 123)
State or region, if applicable
Zip or postal code
Country name
Current Order SKUs
The Plan or Brick setup in Salesbricks
How many units of the sku
are included in the Order
The name of the SKU
The internal code set for this SKU
This field is a set aside for your use - Salesbricks doesn’t store any data in it