Salesbricks sends emails automatically throughout your customer’s lifecycle. This is a complete listing of those emails.


ACH payment failure

Received by:Your buyer’s account payable team
Triggered by:ACH payment failure
Subject:Action required: Payment failed for {{ product_name }}
Header:ACH payment failure for {{ product_name }}
Body:Your payment for {{ product_name }} has failed to process. Please click the button below to update your payment information and reprocess your payment.
Button:Update payment information
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

ACH payment processed

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:ACH payment is successfully processed
Subject:ACH payment processed for {{ product_name }}
Header:Your ACH payment for {{ product_name }} was successful
Body:Your ACH debit payment was successful. Your payment details are below, and a receipt is attached.

Payment details:

Product name
{{ product_name }}

Invoice number
{{ invoice_number }}

Payment method
{{ payment_method }}

Payment date
{{ payment_date }}

Payment amount
{{ payment_amount }}
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}
Attachments:Payment Receipt

ACH payment processing

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:ACH payment processing initiated
Subject:ACH payment processing for {{ product_name }}
Header:Your ACH payment for {{ product_name }} is processing
Body:Your ACH debit payment is processing. Below are your payment details. A follow-up email will be sent when your payment is successfully processed.

Payment details:

Product name
{{ product_name }}

Invoice number
{{ invoice_number }}

Payment method
{{ payment_method }}

Payment date
{{ payment_date }}

Payment amount
{{ payment_amount }}
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

Credit card upcoming expiration

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:Credit card on file will expire within two months
Subject:Action required: Credit card expiring soon
Header:Your credit card will expire soon
Body:The credit card on file for {{ product_name }} will expire on {{ expiration_date }}. Please update your payment information by clicking the button below to ensure future payments are processed.
Button:Update payment information
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

Credit card payment failure

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:Credit card payment failure
Subject:Action required: Payment failed for {{ product_name }}
Header:Credit card payment failure for {{ product_name }}
Body:Your payment for {{ product_name }} has failed. Please click the button below to update your payment information and reprocess your payment.

Payment details:

Product name
{{ product_name }}

Invoice number
{{ invoice_number }}

Payment method
{{ payment_method }}

Payment date
{{ payment_date }}

Payment amount
{{ payment_amount }}
Button:Update payment
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

Credit card payment success

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:Credit card payment successfully processed
Subject:Credit card payment processed for {{ product_name }}
Header:Your credit card payment for {{ product_name }} was successful
Body:Your credit card payment was successful. Below are your payment details, and a receipt is attached.

Payment details:

Product name
{{ product_name }}

Invoice number
{{ invoice_number }}

Payment method
{{ payment_method }}

Payment date
{{ payment_date }}

Payment amount
{{ payment_amount }}
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

Renewal ACH payment failure

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:Order renewal ACH payment failure
Subject:Action required: Payment failed for {{ product_name }} renewal
Header:ACH payment failure for your {{ product_name }} renewal
Body:Your payment for your {{ product_name }} renewal has failed to process. Please click the button below to update your payment information and reprocess your payment.
Button:Update payment information
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

Renewal ACH payment processed

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:Order renewal ACH payment is successfully processed
Subject:ACH payment processed for {{ product_name }} renewal
Header:Your ACH payment for your {{ product_name }} renewal was successful
Body:Your ACH debit payment was successful. Your payment details are below, and a receipt is attached.

Payment details:

Product name
{{ product_name }}

Invoice number
{{ invoice_number }}

Payment method
{{ payment_method }}

Payment date
{{ payment_date }}

Payment amount
{{ payment_amount }}
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}
Attachments:Payment Receipt, Order Form

Renewal ACH payment processing

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:Order renewal ACH payment processing initiated
Subject:ACH payment processing for {{ product_name }} renewal
Header:Your ACH payment for your {{ product_name }} renewal is processing
Body:Your ACH debit payment is processing. Below are your payment details. A follow-up email will be sent when your payment is successfully processed.

Payment details:

Product name
{{ product_name }}

Invoice number
{{ invoice_number }}

Payment method
{{ payment_method }}

Payment date
{{ payment_date }}

Payment amount
{{ payment_amount }}
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

Renewal credit card payment successful

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:Order renewal credit card payment successfully processed
Subject:Credit card payment processed for {{ product_name }} renewal
Header:Your credit card payment for your {{ product_name }} renewal was successful
Body:Your credit card payment was successful. Below are your payment details, and a receipt is attached.

Payment details:

Product name
{{ product_name }}

Invoice number
{{ invoice_number }}

Payment method
{{ payment_method }}

Payment date
{{ payment_date }}

Payment amount
{{ payment_amount }}
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}
Attachments:Payment Receipt, Order Form

Subscription Lifecycle

Received by:Your nominated email
Triggered by:Customer shares an order at checkout
Subject:Link shared: Your {{ product_name }} order
Header:A link to your {{ product_name }} order has been shared with you
Body:{{ buyer_name }} has shared order {{ order_code }} for {{ product_name }} with you. Click “Go to order” to view.
Button:Go to order
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

Renewal order completed (order form)

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:Order renewal is completed via order form
Subject:{{ product_name }} renewal confirmation
Header:{{ product_name }} renewal confirmation ({{ order_code }})
Body:Your order renewal for {{ seller_name }} {{ product_name }} is complete. A copy of your executed order form is attached.
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

Order form signature required

Received by:Your buyer’s nominated signatory
Triggered by:Customer specifies an alternative signatory
Subject:Action needed: Sign for your {{ product_name }} order
Header:Your signature is needed to complete your {{ product_name }} order
Body:{{ buyer_name }} has requested your signature on order #{{ order_code }} for {{ product_name }}. Click the button below to view the order and sign.
Button:Go to order
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

Upcoming auto-renewal

Received by:Your buyer’s nominated point of contact
Triggered by:Auto-renewal occurs in {{ X }} days
Subject:Upcoming auto-renewal for {{ product_name }}
Header:Your {{ product_name }} order will auto-renew on {{renewal date}}
Body:Your subscription for {{ product_name }} will automatically renew on {{renewal date}} for ${{renewal amount}}. No further action is required
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

Order completed (electronic)

Received by:Your buyer’s nominated point of contact
Triggered by:Order is completed via ACH or credit card
Subject:{{ product_name }} order confirmation
Header:{{ product_name }} order confirmation ({{ order_code }})
Body:Your order for {{ seller_name }} {{ product_name }} is complete. A copy of your executed order form is attached.
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}
Attachments:Order form receipt PDF

Order completed (order form)

Received by:Your buyer’s nominated point of contact
Triggered by:Order is completed via order form
Subject:{{ product_name }} order confirmation
Header:{{ product_name }} order confirmation ({{ order_code }})
Body:Your order for {{ seller_name }} {{ product_name }} is complete. A copy of your executed order form is attached.
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}
Attachments:Signed order form PDF

Order has been shared with customer

Received by:Your nominated email
Triggered by:Order is shared with customer
Subject:Complete your {{ product_name }} order
Header:Complete your {{ product_name }} order
Body:{{ seller_name || order_owner_name}} has shared order {{ order_code }} for {{ product_name }} with you. Click the button below to complete your order.
Button:Go to order
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}


Invoice past due

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:Invoice has not been paid on due date
Subject:Payment past due for {{ product_name }} ({{ invoice_number }})
Header:Your {{ product_name }} invoice is past due ({{ invoice_number }})
Body:Your payment for invoice ({{ invoice_number }}) for {{ product_name }} is past due as of {{ payment_due_date }}. To make a payment and avoid service disruptions, follow the instructions on the attached invoice or click the button below.
Button:Make a payment
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}

New invoice is available

Received by:Your buyer’s accounts payable team
Triggered by:Invoice is generated
Subject:{{ product_name }} invoice {{ invoice_number }}
Header:Your {{ product_name }} invoice ({{ invoice_number }})
Body:Attached is your invoice for {{ product_name }}. To make a payment, follow the instructions on the attached invoice or click the button below.
Button:Make a payment
Footer:Have questions? {{ support_email }}
Talk to sales {{ sales_email }}
Attachments:Invoice, Order Form