
Ramping is a pricing strategy which is used to gradually increase the cost of a subscription as the quantity of enabled units grows over the course of a contract.

Let’s illustrate how ramping schedules work by pricing a single contract against two different pricing structures: flat-rate pricing and tiered pricing.

Flat-rate ramping

Read more about flat-rate pricing here.

Formula for cost calculation

To calculate the subtotal of each ramping period:

unit price * quantity * duration

Example - flat-rate ramping

Contract terms

Start date: December 14, 2023

Contract period: 12 months

Ramping schedule

Ramping periodStart dateQuantity
1stDecember 202350 units
2ndApril 2024100 units
3rdJuly 2024150 units

Pricing structure

$39 per unit monthly

Cost breakdown

Ramping periodDurationCost
1st4 months (December 14, 2023 - April 13, 2024)$39 * 50 units * 4 months = $7,800
2nd3 months (April 14, 2024 - July 13, 2024)$39 * 100 units * 3 months = $11,700
3rd5 months (July 14, 2024 - December 13, 2024)$39 * 150 units * 5 months = $29,250

Grand total

$7,800 + $11,700 + $29,250 = $48,750

Tiered ramping

Read more about tiered pricing here.

Formula for cost calculation

To calculate the subtotal of each ramping period:

  • calculate the cost of each tier: unit price * qty
  • sum the cost of all tiers and multiply by the duration of the ramping period: sum of all tiers' costs * duration

Example - tiered ramping

For this example, we’ll use the same contract terms and ramping schedule as the flat-rate example, except now using a tiered pricing structure.

Contract terms

Start date: December 14, 2023

Contract period: 12 months

Ramping schedule

Ramping periodStart dateQuantity
1stDecember 202350 units
2ndApril 2024100 units
3rdJuly 2024150 units

Pricing structure

Quantity rangeMonthly unit price

Cost breakdown

Ramping periodDurationCost

4 months

(December 14, 2023 - April 13, 2024)

Units 1-39: $39 * 39 units = $1,521

Units 40-50: $35 * 11 units = $385

Subtotal: ($1,521 + $385) * 4 months = $7,624


3 months

(April 14, 2024 - July 13, 2024)

Units 1-39: $39 * 39 units = $1,521

Units 40-79: $35 * 40 units = $1,400

Units 80-100: $29 * 21 units = $609

Subtotal: ($1,521 + $1,400 + $609) * 3 months = $10,590


5 months

(July 14, 2024 - December 13, 2024)

Units 1-39: $39 * 39 units = $1,521

Units 40-79: $35 * 40 units = $1,400

Units 80-129: $29 * 40 units = $1,160

Units 130-150: $25 * 21 units = $525

Subtotal: ($1,521 + $1,400 + $1,160 + $525) * 5 months = $23,030

Grand total

$7,624 + $10,590 + $23,030 = $41,244