Supported features

  • Single Sign-On (OpenID Connect, IdP-initiated only)
  • Automatically creates user accounts in Salesbricks when Single Sign-On is initiated by a member of an organization with an active Okta integration

To enable this feature on your company’s Salesbricks account, you will need to work with Salesbricks Support to activate your instance.



Install the Salesbricks application in your Okta admin dashboard.


Sign up for a seller account on Salesbricks.

The Okta Single Sign-On integration is only available to Salesbricks users as a paid feature.


Verify that the email addresses of your existing Salesbricks users match their Okta accounts exactly.


After installing the application, you will need to obtain some information to send to Salesbricks.

Gather information from Okta


In the Okta admin page, go to Applications -> Applications.


Click on the Salesbricks application.


Under the "General" tab, copy the values for Client ID and Client secret (click the eye button to toggle the visibility).

An image of the Okta admin dashboard. There are two red ovals: one around the clipboard icon that copies the client ID, and the other around the clipboard icon that copies the client secret.

Under the user dropdown menu in the top right corner of the page, copy your Okta organization's issuer URL (e.g.; usually located under the admin's email address).

An image of the Okta admin dashboard. There is a red oval around the clipboard icon that copies the issuer URL to the clipboard.

Send the information to Salesbricks

Once you have all the required information below, email them to

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Issuer URL

Salesbricks Integration Support will handle your request and follow up with you once the integration is configured.


To log in to Salesbricks using Okta:


Log in to your Okta account and access your end user dashboard.


Click on the Salesbricks app to begin authenticating your access to Salesbricks.

If you don’t have a pre-existing user account, one will automatically be created from your Okta details.
